Contact Page Settings

Posted on 13-10-2024 | Last Updated: 13-10-2024 | Category: Getting Started

The Contact Page Settings allow you to control the visibility and behavior of various fields displayed on your contact page. You can manage business information, contact details, service preferences, and custom fields, tailoring the page to fit your needs.

1. Business Information

You can toggle the visibility of essential business information such as:

  • Business Name: Displays your business name at the top of the contact page.
  • Address: Allows users to see your business address.
  • City and Postal Code: Displays the city and postal code for your business.

Each of these fields can be active or inactive, depending on whether you want them displayed to your customers.

2. Contact Details

You can manage which contact methods are shown on your contact page:

  • Phone Number: Customers can contact you by phone if this field is active.
  • Email Address: Enables customers to reach you via email. You can hide this if you only want to use the contact form.

3. Operating Hours

Let customers know when you're available by managing the Operating Hours field. You can toggle this to active if you wish to display your business hours, or set it to inactive if you prefer not to display them.

4. Service Type and Service Date

These fields allow customers to specify the type of service they need and choose a preferred date for the service:

  • Service Type: Select from a dropdown of services you offer.
  • Preferred Service Date: Let customers choose a date for their service request.

5. Urgency

The Urgency field helps customers indicate how soon they need the service. Options like "Emergency", "Urgent", and "Flexible" are available to allow you to prioritize service requests based on urgency.

6. Custom Fields

The Custom Fields provide flexibility by letting you add two additional fields to your contact page:

  • Custom Field 1 and 2 Labels: These allow you to name additional fields, such as "TV Make/Model" for TV repair businesses or "Room Name" for handyman services. You can specify the label to suit your needs.
  • Custom Field Status: Each custom field can be set to active or inactive, giving you full control over whether these fields appear on the contact form.

How to Use:

  1. Activate or Deactivate Fields: Use the dropdown menus in the Contact Page Settings to make each field visible (active) or hidden (inactive).
  2. Custom Field Labels: Customize the additional fields to collect specific information from your customers.
  3. Update Settings: After making your changes, click the Update Settings button to save them.

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