Backup Configuration Guide

Posted on 27-08-2024 | Last Updated: 27-08-2024 | Category: Getting Started

The Backup Configuration page is divided into two main sections: Account Details and Backup Destination. Below is a brief explanation of each section and the information you need to provide.

1. Account Details

This section is where you enter the credentials and connection details for your WHM (Web Host Manager) and cPanel accounts. This information is essential for accessing and managing your web hosting accounts.

  • WHM Server IP: The IP address of the server where your WHM account is hosted. This is typically provided by your hosting provider.

  • cPanel Server IP: The IP address of the server where your cPanel account is hosted. Often, this will be the same as the WHM Server IP.

  • WHM Server Port: The port used to connect to the WHM interface. Common ports are 2086 (non-SSL) and 2087 (SSL).

  • cPanel Server Port: The port used to connect to the cPanel interface. Common ports are 2082 (non-SSL) and 2083 (SSL).

  • WHM Account: Your WHM account username, which is used to log in to the WHM interface.

  • WHM Password: The password associated with your WHM account. This is required to authenticate and manage your hosting accounts.

2. Backup Destination

This section is for specifying where your backups will be stored. You can choose to store your backups on an FTP server.

  • Use FTP: A checkbox to enable or disable FTP for storing backups. If checked, the fields below must be filled out.

  • FTP Host: The domain name or IP address of the FTP server where your backups will be uploaded.

  • FTP Account: The username used to log in to your FTP account.

  • FTP Password: The password associated with your FTP account.

  • FTP Port: The port used to connect to the FTP server. The default FTP port is 21.

  • FTP Path: The directory path on the FTP server where you want to store the backups. This can be a specific folder or the root directory.

  • Email Notification: An email address where notifications will be sent regarding the backup process.

  • Delete Backups After (days): The number of days after which backups will be automatically deleted from the FTP server. Set this to 0 if you do not want backups to be deleted.

Final Steps

Once you have filled in all the required information, click the Save Configuration button to store your settings. This will ensure that your backups are correctly configured and stored in the desired location.

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