Knowledge Base Articles

Understanding the Custom Section Feature

Posted on 26-11-2023 | Last Updated: 26-11-2023 | Category: Advanced Topics


The Custom Section feature in your tenant dashboard allows you to create a unique and personalized landing page for your website. This feature is particularly ...

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Adding Menus to Your Website

Posted on 02-12-2023 | Last Updated: 11-02-2024 | Category: Getting Started

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How to Obtain Google reCAPTCHA keys

Posted on 06-05-2024 | Last Updated: 06-05-2024 | Category: Advanced Topics

Navigate to Google's reCAPTCHA website at

Sign in using your Google account credenti...

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How to Obtain Your Stripe API Keys

Posted on 19-05-2024 | Last Updated: 19-05-2024 | Category: Getting Started

To integrate Stripe with your application, you need to obtain your API keys. These keys allow your application to communicate with the Stripe API to process payments. Follow the steps below to retr...

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Backup Configuration Guide

Posted on 27-08-2024 | Last Updated: 27-08-2024 | Category: Getting Started

The Backup Configuration page is divided into two main sections: Account Details and Backup Destination. Below is a brief explanation of each section and the infor...

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